92 Players took part in the final event of this years series in tough windy conditions. The winner today was professional Callum Farr with a fantastic 67 gross for 39 points. Callum was closely followed by home member Adam Ashby-Clarke and Steve Henstock from Kenilworth on 38 points. Prizes today were awarded down to 9th place.
Full results can be found here
Nearest the Pin Prizes were won by Kyle Faulkner (7th) and Malcolm Christie (16th).
The Order of Merit was also concluded today, with the best 4 from 6 scores counting towards the series total. Professional Stuart Reynolds from Staverton Park came out on top over the series with a score of 151. Second was David Jones from Lutterworth with 146 and third was Sam Cummins on 144.
Full OOM results can be found here
Thank you to all 247 golfers who played in the events this winter, we look forward to seeing you all again in October!